Terms and Conditions
In using this website, the official website of Space Studio Limited at (“Website”), you agree to be legally bound by these terms and conditions as modified from time to time (“Terms and Conditions”). Before using the Website, it is your responsibility to read these Terms and Conditions carefully since any use of our services constitutes your acceptance of the same.
Throughout these Terms and Conditions, the terms “we”, “us”, “our” and “Studio” refer to Space Studio Limited and any of its affiliated companies as appropriate to the context. “You”, “student(s)” and “participant(s)” refer to any person accessing and/or using our services, including children under the age of twelve (12) (“Children” or “Child”).
1. Enrolment
You must complete the registration process and agree to these Terms and Conditions hereinbelow before enrolling in any class or organized activity. To register and enroll for classes, you should visit our official Website at
2. Class arrangements
- Attendance:
You have the responsibility of attending all classes under the relevant package (“Package”) purchased. Subject to cancellations made in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, non-attendance will not be accepted.
- Punctuality:
You are expected to arrive on time to ensure attendance for warm-up sessions for injury prevention. If you are entering with a QR code, please make sure to arrive to the Studio fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the class. You may only enter the classroom with the permission of staff or instructors, and late arrivals may be refused entry into classes.
- Class bookings:
You are required to book classes through the Website unless a voucher is used. Voucher users need to arrive at least twenty (20) minutes before the class to allow enough time to complete the registration process. Spots may not be guaranteed and are subject to the availability of the class.
- Payment:
Class fees must be settled in advance. We accept payments by Payme, FPS, bank transfer and cash. All Packages are personal and are not transferable. Prices may be subject to change without further notice, therefore you should refer to the most updated information on our Website.
- Cancellations:
If a class is cancelled by the Studio, the relevant credits will be returned to your account. Classes will be cancelled automatically when the number of participants booked for a class is less than three (3). The Studio will send a notice at least two (2) hours before the class for any cancellation, and will send notices through SMS or email for updated class arrangements. We reserve our right to arrange for other instructors to teach a class, you should refer to the most updated information on our Website prior to attendance.
Students must cancel attendance for a class through the Website at least three (3) hours before the start of the class. No refunds will be made, nor will credits be returned to your account, for non-attendance and late cancellations, except for medical reasons, as supported by a medical report from a certified medical practitioner.
We reserve our right, at our absolute discretion, to change, modify, add or remove any class, workshop, training or instructors at any time.
Students are responsible for informing the Studio of any change of telephone number or email.
- Bad Weather Policy:
This policy aims to ensure the safety of our students, staff and visitors during periods of severe weather conditions. We will follow the guidelines and warnings issued by the Hong Kong Observatory.
- In the event a Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or Black Rainstorm Signal is in effect during non-opening hours, the Studio will be closed and only re-open two (2) hours after a lower signal is hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory.
- In the event that a Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted during opening hours, our Studio will close one (1) hour after the signal is hoisted.
- In the event that a Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 is lowered on or after 7 p.m., the Studio will remain closed.
- The Studio will reopen in two (2) hours after a Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 is lowered before 7 p.m.
- In the event that a Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted during class time, the class(es) shall continue. Classes that commence after the Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted will be cancelled.
- The Studio will operate as usual in the event that an Amber and Red Rainstorm Signal or Typhoon Warning Signal No. 1 or 3 is hoisted.
- Health and Safety:
For your own safety and well-being, you must inform your designated instructor of any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries prior to the start of a class. You should confirm the state of your health condition is suitable for attending a class prior to booking.
It is recommended to consult with a certified healthcare professional before beginning any new exercise program, especially if you have any medical conditions or concerns. Our instructors are trained professionals, but they are not professional healthcare providers, and their advice should not be taken as medical advice.
We prioritize the safety and well-being of all participants. If you are aged sixty-five (65) or older, you must obtain our approval, at our sole discretion, based on an assessment of your prior professional dancing experience before registering for any of our dance classes. We welcome participants of all ages to join our fitness classes.
All students must follow the safety guidelines of the Studio and instructions from the instructors. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the class.
3. Code of conduct
- Dress code:
You must adhere to the appropriate dress code, which includes appropriate dance attire and footwear depending on the type of class.
- Usage of the facility:
Students may only bring water into the classroom. Food and snacks are not allowed inside the classroom.
Saving spots for others in any classes is also prohibited.
You are expected to treat instructors, staff and fellow students with respect. Bullying, harassment and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Any complaints will be taken seriously, and we reserve our right to cancel your registration without any refund in such circumstance.
All personal belongings should be kept inside the lockers outside the classroom. We will not be liable for any of your personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged before, during or after a class or organized activity that has taken place within the premises of the Studio. You will be held liable for any damage caused to the property of the Studio.
- Privacy:
We have installed CCTV fully covering all common areas of the Studio for safety reasons. To protect the privacy of the students, taking videos and photos are prohibited in the shower rooms and changing room areas, and the public corridors within such areas.
Save with the permission of the Studio and any of its instructors, no photography, audio recording nor video recording is permitted during any class, in particular, no recording equipment shall be placed above the mirrors within the classrooms.
- Photo, Video Release:
By attending classes at the Studio, you consent to the use of any photographs or videos taken during classes or events for promotional purposes. We reserve our right to use these images and recordings for promotional, educational and marketing purposes across various platforms and media, including but not limited to social media, websites, brochures and advertisements. You acknowledge that you will not receive any compensation for the use of such media.
All intellectual property rights, including copyright, in the content displayed on the Website belong to the Studio or its licensors.
- Supervision in Restrooms:
Children are encouraged to use the washrooms and restrooms before or after their dance class. If Children need to use the restrooms during class, they must ask for permission from their instructor. Children should be supervised when going to the washroom by their parent(s) or guardians to ensure their safety. Parents should discuss the restroom policy with their Children to ensure they understand the importance of the above guidelines and instructions.
- Illegal activities
No smoking, narcotics, alcohol, weapons, food, vulgarity or illegal activities are allowed on our premises.
4. Limitation of Liability, Indemnity and Waiver
- Acknowledgment of Risk:
You acknowledge that participation in fitness classes, dance classes, rehearsals, performances and related activities at the Studio involves physical activity and carries a risk of injury, including but not limited to physical injury, accidents, falls and other hazards, and therefore voluntarily assume all risks, known or unknown, associated with participation in the classes or activities organized by the Studio and are willing to bear the risk of any physical injury that may result therefrom.
- Medical Consent:
You authorize the Studio and its staff to arrange for medical treatment for you or your Child in the event of an emergency and agree to be responsible for any medical expenses incurred. You are responsible for ensuring that you or your Child are physically fit and have no medical condition that would prevent safe participation in classes or activities organized by the Studio prior to registration and/or actual participation.
- Release of Liability and Disclaimer:
In consideration of being allowed to visit the premises of, use the facilities of and/or participate in any organized activities at the Studio and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law:
A) All visits to the premises, use of facilities and/or participation in any classes or activities of the Studio are taken at your or your Child’s own risk;
B) We shall not be liable for any injuries, loss or damage to your or your Child’s person, property or otherwise, as a result of, or connected with, you or your Child entering our premises, using any of our facilities and/or participating in any of our classes, and you hereby irrevocably waive, release and forever discharge the Studio and all the owners, directors, officers, employees, instructors, assistants, volunteers, guest artists, agents and representatives of the Studio from any and all responsibility, claims, demands, rights, causes of action and/or liability in connection therewith, including without limitation, those based on death, personal injury, property damage, save for death or personal injury directly caused by the negligence of the Studio;
C) We shall not be liable for any damage or loss to your or your Child’s personal property brought to the premises and/or any class;
D) Without prejudice to the foregoing, we shall under no circumstances be liable for any indirect or consequential loss, any damages that were not foreseeable by us, nor for any loss (whether direct or indirect) of income, profit, revenue, production, contract, business, reputation or goodwill;
E) We grant no warranties whatsoever in respect of our goods, services, premises, facilities and classes, except if we agree thereto in an express written agreement; and
F) Except as expressly provided herein, all warranties, conditions or other terms implied by statute or law imposing obligations or liability on us are excluded.
To the extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable to you or your Child, nor be deemed in breach of any agreement, by reason of any delay in performing or any failure to perform any of our obligations under any agreement, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond our reasonable control or if the cause was unforeseeable.
You shall release, hold harmless and indemnify the Studio and all the owners, directors, officers, employees, instructors, assistants, volunteers, guest artists, agents and representatives of the Studio from and against any and all losses, damages, expenses (including legal fees), costs, fees, charges, penalties, claims, judgements, actions and proceedings incurred or suffered by the Studio or any of the owners, directors, officers, employees, instructors, assistants, volunteers, guest artists, agents and representatives of the Studio (a) that you may cause as a result of, or that is connected with, you or your Child entering or being on our premises, using any of our facilities or participating in any of our classes, or (b) arising from or related to (i) any breach by you or your Child of these Terms and Conditions (including any document referred to herein) or any agreement, or (ii) any fraud, negligence, misconduct or breach of applicable laws by you or your Child.
To the extent that our liability is precluded or limited, this is also for the benefit of all the owners, directors, officers, employees, instructors, assistants, volunteers, guest artists, agents and representatives of the Studio. You shall make any claims regarding goods, services, the premises, facilities and/or classes only against Space Studio Limited (subject to, and to the extent permitted by, these Terms and Conditions) and refrain from making any claims against any of the owners, directors, officers, employees, instructors, assistants, volunteers, guest artists, agents and representatives of the Studio.
If any of the exclusion clauses are deemed to be unenforceable, you agree that our liability in contract, tort (including negligence and breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise, arising in connection with any goods, services, premises, facilities and/or classes shall at all times be limited in any event to the fees that you have paid for our classes.
5. Governing Law
These Terms and Conditions are governed by, and construed in accordance with, Hong Kong law.
6. General
We reserve our right to update these Terms and Conditions anytime. All inquiries will be governed by the latest version available on the Website.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We are looking forward to dancing with you!
Terms and Conditions
In using this website, the official website of Space Studio Limited at (“Website”), you agree to be legally bound by these terms and conditions as modified from time to time (“Terms and Conditions”). Before using the Website, it is your responsibility to read these Terms and Conditions carefully since any use of our services constitutes your acceptance of the same.
Throughout these Terms and Conditions, the terms “we”, “us”, “our” and “Studio” refer to Space Studio Limited and any of its affiliated companies as appropriate to the context. “You”, “student(s)” and “participant(s)” refer to any person accessing and/or using our services, including children under the age of twelve (12) (“Children” or “Child”).
1. Enrolment
You must complete the registration process and agree to these Terms and Conditions hereinbelow before enrolling in any class or organized activity. To register and enroll for classes, you should visit our official Website at
2. Class arrangements
- Attendance:
You have the responsibility of attending all classes under the relevant package (“Package”) purchased. Subject to cancellations made in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, non-attendance will not be accepted.
- Punctuality:
You are expected to arrive on time to ensure attendance for warm-up sessions for injury prevention. If you are entering with a QR code, please make sure to arrive to the Studio fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the class. You may only enter the classroom with the permission of staff or instructors, and late arrivals may be refused entry into classes.
- Class bookings:
You are required to book classes through the Website unless a voucher is used. Voucher users need to arrive at least twenty (20) minutes before the class to allow enough time to complete the registration process. Spots may not be guaranteed and are subject to the availability of the class.
- Payment:
Class fees must be settled in advance. We accept payments by Payme, FPS, bank transfer and cash. All Packages are personal and are not transferable. Prices may be subject to change without further notice, therefore you should refer to the most updated information on our Website.
- Cancellations:
If a class is cancelled by the Studio, the relevant credits will be returned to your account. Classes will be cancelled automatically when the number of participants booked for a class is less than three (3). The Studio will send a notice at least two (2) hours before the class for any cancellation, and will send notices through SMS or email for updated class arrangements. We reserve our right to arrange for other instructors to teach a class, you should refer to the most updated information on our Website prior to attendance.
Students must cancel attendance for a class through the Website at least three (3) hours before the start of the class. No refunds will be made, nor will credits be returned to your account, for non-attendance and late cancellations, except for medical reasons, as supported by a medical report from a certified medical practitioner.
We reserve our right, at our absolute discretion, to change, modify, add or remove any class, workshop, training or instructors at any time.
Students are responsible for informing the Studio of any change of telephone number or email.
- Bad Weather Policy:
This policy aims to ensure the safety of our students, staff and visitors during periods of severe weather conditions. We will follow the guidelines and warnings issued by the Hong Kong Observatory.
- In the event a Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or Black Rainstorm Signal is in effect during non-opening hours, the Studio will be closed and only re-open two (2) hours after a lower signal is hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory.
- In the event that a Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted during opening hours, our Studio will close one (1) hour after the signal is hoisted.
- In the event that a Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 is lowered on or after 7 p.m., the Studio will remain closed.
- The Studio will reopen in two (2) hours after a Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 is lowered before 7 p.m.
- In the event that a Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted during class time, the class(es) shall continue. Classes that commence after the Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted will be cancelled.
- The Studio will operate as usual in the event that an Amber and Red Rainstorm Signal or Typhoon Warning Signal No. 1 or 3 is hoisted.
- Health and Safety:
For your own safety and well-being, you must inform your designated instructor of any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries prior to the start of a class. You should confirm the state of your health condition is suitable for attending a class prior to booking.
It is recommended to consult with a certified healthcare professional before beginning any new exercise program, especially if you have any medical conditions or concerns. Our instructors are trained professionals, but they are not professional healthcare providers, and their advice should not be taken as medical advice.
We prioritize the safety and well-being of all participants. If you are aged sixty-five (65) or older, you must obtain our approval, at our sole discretion, based on an assessment of your prior professional dancing experience before registering for any of our dance classes. We welcome participants of all ages to join our fitness classes.
All students must follow the safety guidelines of the Studio and instructions from the instructors. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the class.
3. Code of conduct
- Dress code:
You must adhere to the appropriate dress code, which includes appropriate dance attire and footwear depending on the type of class.
- Usage of the facility:
Students may only bring water into the classroom. Food and snacks are not allowed inside the classroom.
Saving spots for others in any classes is also prohibited.
You are expected to treat instructors, staff and fellow students with respect. Bullying, harassment and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Any complaints will be taken seriously, and we reserve our right to cancel your registration without any refund in such circumstance.
All personal belongings should be kept inside the lockers outside the classroom. We will not be liable for any of your personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged before, during or after a class or organized activity that has taken place within the premises of the Studio. You will be held liable for any damage caused to the property of the Studio.
- Privacy:
We have installed CCTV fully covering all common areas of the Studio for safety reasons. To protect the privacy of the students, taking videos and photos are prohibited in the shower rooms and changing room areas, and the public corridors within such areas.
Save with the permission of the Studio and any of its instructors, no photography, audio recording nor video recording is permitted during any class, in particular, no recording equipment shall be placed above the mirrors within the classrooms.
- Photo, Video Release:
By attending classes at the Studio, you consent to the use of any photographs or videos taken during classes or events for promotional purposes. We reserve our right to use these images and recordings for promotional, educational and marketing purposes across various platforms and media, including but not limited to social media, websites, brochures and advertisements. You acknowledge that you will not receive any compensation for the use of such media.
All intellectual property rights, including copyright, in the content displayed on the Website belong to the Studio or its licensors.
- Supervision in Restrooms:
Children are encouraged to use the washrooms and restrooms before or after their dance class. If Children need to use the restrooms during class, they must ask for permission from their instructor. Children should be supervised when going to the washroom by their parent(s) or guardians to ensure their safety. Parents should discuss the restroom policy with their Children to ensure they understand the importance of the above guidelines and instructions.
- Illegal activities
No smoking, narcotics, alcohol, weapons, food, vulgarity or illegal activities are allowed on our premises.
4. Limitation of Liability, Indemnity and Waiver
- Acknowledgment of Risk:
You acknowledge that participation in fitness classes, dance classes, rehearsals, performances and related activities at the Studio involves physical activity and carries a risk of injury, including but not limited to physical injury, accidents, falls and other hazards, and therefore voluntarily assume all risks, known or unknown, associated with participation in the classes or activities organized by the Studio and are willing to bear the risk of any physical injury that may result therefrom.
- Medical Consent:
You authorize the Studio and its staff to arrange for medical treatment for you or your Child in the event of an emergency and agree to be responsible for any medical expenses incurred. You are responsible for ensuring that you or your Child are physically fit and have no medical condition that would prevent safe participation in classes or activities organized by the Studio prior to registration and/or actual participation.
- Release of Liability and Disclaimer:
In consideration of being allowed to visit the premises of, use the facilities of and/or participate in any organized activities at the Studio and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law:
A) All visits to the premises, use of facilities and/or participation in any classes or activities of the Studio are taken at your or your Child’s own risk;
B) We shall not be liable for any injuries, loss or damage to your or your Child’s person, property or otherwise, as a result of, or connected with, you or your Child entering our premises, using any of our facilities and/or participating in any of our classes, and you hereby irrevocably waive, release and forever discharge the Studio and all the owners, directors, officers, employees, instructors, assistants, volunteers, guest artists, agents and representatives of the Studio from any and all responsibility, claims, demands, rights, causes of action and/or liability in connection therewith, including without limitation, those based on death, personal injury, property damage, save for death or personal injury directly caused by the negligence of the Studio;
C) We shall not be liable for any damage or loss to your or your Child’s personal property brought to the premises and/or any class;
D) Without prejudice to the foregoing, we shall under no circumstances be liable for any indirect or consequential loss, any damages that were not foreseeable by us, nor for any loss (whether direct or indirect) of income, profit, revenue, production, contract, business, reputation or goodwill;
E) We grant no warranties whatsoever in respect of our goods, services, premises, facilities and classes, except if we agree thereto in an express written agreement; and
F) Except as expressly provided herein, all warranties, conditions or other terms implied by statute or law imposing obligations or liability on us are excluded.
To the extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable to you or your Child, nor be deemed in breach of any agreement, by reason of any delay in performing or any failure to perform any of our obligations under any agreement, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond our reasonable control or if the cause was unforeseeable.
You shall release, hold harmless and indemnify the Studio and all the owners, directors, officers, employees, instructors, assistants, volunteers, guest artists, agents and representatives of the Studio from and against any and all losses, damages, expenses (including legal fees), costs, fees, charges, penalties, claims, judgements, actions and proceedings incurred or suffered by the Studio or any of the owners, directors, officers, employees, instructors, assistants, volunteers, guest artists, agents and representatives of the Studio (a) that you may cause as a result of, or that is connected with, you or your Child entering or being on our premises, using any of our facilities or participating in any of our classes, or (b) arising from or related to (i) any breach by you or your Child of these Terms and Conditions (including any document referred to herein) or any agreement, or (ii) any fraud, negligence, misconduct or breach of applicable laws by you or your Child.
To the extent that our liability is precluded or limited, this is also for the benefit of all the owners, directors, officers, employees, instructors, assistants, volunteers, guest artists, agents and representatives of the Studio. You shall make any claims regarding goods, services, the premises, facilities and/or classes only against Space Studio Limited (subject to, and to the extent permitted by, these Terms and Conditions) and refrain from making any claims against any of the owners, directors, officers, employees, instructors, assistants, volunteers, guest artists, agents and representatives of the Studio.
If any of the exclusion clauses are deemed to be unenforceable, you agree that our liability in contract, tort (including negligence and breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise, arising in connection with any goods, services, premises, facilities and/or classes shall at all times be limited in any event to the fees that you have paid for our classes.
5. Governing Law
These Terms and Conditions are governed by, and construed in accordance with, Hong Kong law.
6. General
We reserve our right to update these Terms and Conditions anytime. All inquiries will be governed by the latest version available on the Website.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We are looking forward to dancing with you!